Safesight Transprk

Safesight Transprk

What is Safe Sight TransPRK?

SafeSight TransPRK is a laser vision correction procedure that is safe, minimally-invasive, surface-based treatment method which does not require the eye surgeon to cut a corneal flap. With modern technology today, SafeSight TransPRK can eliminate some of the risks in the standard LASIK (cut, flap and zap) procedure such as flap-related medical complications.

How does Safe Sight TransPRK work?

In Safe Sight TransPRK, there are no surgical devices touching the eye at all, making it an all laser, one-step, no touch, minimally-invasive and safe procedure.

We use the modern, Schwind Amaris 1050RS excimer laser. The Schwind Amaris 1050RS laser is equipped with a zero latency eye tracker. It is also has ability to track all 7-dimensionals of eye movements, resulting in fast and accurate treatment.

Step 1

First, the Schwind Amaris laser gently ablates the surface epithelium cells. (Patient looks ahead at a green blinking fixation light)

Step 2

The Schwind Amaris laser goes on to reshape the cornea curvature to correct the patient’s myopia in one seamless step. (Patient simply continues to fixate gaze on green blinking light)

Step 3

Doctor would then place a bandaged contact lens over the patient’s eye. Patient wears the contact lenses for about 5 days.

Step 4

Cornea epithelium regenerates itself in 3 – 5 days with the help of the high-oxygen content soft lens which acts as an artificial flap. Contact lenses are then removed by the eye surgeon during the follow up review.